




My.Erikson is Erikson Institute's campus portal. It is available 24 hours a day and is designed for the communication of information that is intended specifically for members of the Erikson community.


Through the portal, you will have access to class registration, your grades, important campus services, the latest events calendar, and directories. Upon admission, you will be assigned a portal login and password. You can access My.Erikson at My.Erikson.edu.





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Erikson gives you an email address to use for academic purposes. It is generally in the format of YourAssignedUsername@erikson.edu. You can access your email securely through the Outlook Web client at https://mail.erikson.edu, using your assigned username and password.


To set up your Erikson e-mail account on a mobile device, select Exchange as the account type. Then enter the following mail settings: Email account type:

Microsoft Exchange
Domain: Erikson Mail
Server: mail.erikson.edu


Your Erikson e-mail username and password Once complete, mail will begin to load onto your device.





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EriksonOnline is the web-based environment that will be your gateway to all course activities and materials. This Blackboard Learning Management System allows instructors to put their syllabi, lecture notes, assignments, and other course resources online for you to access.


In addition, online students will use EriksonOnline to view recorded lectures, take tests and quizzes, access discussion boards with other students and teachers, and submit assignments necessary to complete their courses.


Upon admission, you will be assigned an EriksonOnline username (usually the same as your e-mail username) and password. EriksonOnline can be accessed at https://erikson.blackboard.com. Tutorials on how to use Blackboard can be found at http://eohelp.erikson.edu.



Erikson's Distance Learning team works closely with faculty and subject matter experts to design, develop and deliver online courses and professional development programs. Together, we create and convert content, build courses and support excellence in online teaching. We also provide technical assistance and support services to students to encourage successful online learning experiences and outcomes. Watch the video below to learn more about the Distance Learning team.







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Technology Requirements and Recommendations



Hardware Requirements






In order for all the features of EriksonOnline to work properly, additional programs and plugins may need to be installed on your computer. A complete and more detailed list can be found at http://eohelp.erikson.edu.



EriksonOnline works best while using the Chrome web browser. If you do not have Chrome, you can download it for free at: https://www.google.com/chrome/index.html .



Adobe Flash Player: All of the videos on EriksonOnline use Adobe Flash Player to stream the video file. Flash Player is also used to play the narrated PowerPoint clips. Please download Flash Player at: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ .



Acrobat Reader is a free plugin for opening and reading PDF (Portable Document Format) files. Reader is used when you open every article on EriksonOnline. While in Firefox, the PDF file should open in a new tab at the top of the screen. http://get.adobe.com/reader/ .





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The Accessibility Committee is an interdisciplinary team of people that work across Erikson's academic programs to curate learning resources that are designed to meet a variety of learning needs. Our goal is to support all of our students to be as successful as possible throughout their time at Erikson. After logging into my.erikson, click the Learning Tools tab to access accommodation information, assistive technology tools and helpful apps. You will also find the download and installation links for Read&Write Gold.


If you have a documented disability and believe you need accommodation for this class, please contact Dean of Students Dr. Colette Davison as soon as possible (cdavison@erikson.edu or 312-893-7173). See the “Student Resources” section of the Bulletin for a description of our accommodation process. Remember to allow a reasonable amount of time for processing your request.


Read&Write Gold is a discreet, customizable toolbar that integrates reading, writing, studying, and research support tools with common applications. This program is free to use during your time at Erikson.


About Read&Write Gold





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Mobile Device Support


Due to the variety of mobile devices and their technologies, it is difficult to guarantee full functionality for every type of device. However, we recommend the following browsers and software to access your course materials on-the-go.


Mobile Browsers




Mobile Apps




Foxit Mobile PDF Reader allows you to open and access PDF documents and texts from your mobile device. https://www.foxitsoftware.com/products/pdf-reader/mobile/




Articulate Mobile Player allows you to view narrated presentations on your mobile device. The app also allows you to download the presentations for offline viewing. https://community.articulate.com/series/14/articles/installing-the-articulate-mobile-player-app


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Library Resources & Campus Computing Resources


The Edward Neisser Library's online resources are important tools for use in your classes and beyond. You can access your courses� textbook list, find course readings, access the library catalog and research databases, find streaming videos, e-books, and many other resources. The starting point for all these resources is the library's website: http://www.erikson.edu/library/


To access library materials from off-campus, please use your Erikson email username and password.

The Library also has a variety of computing and technology resources:




Over 20 desktop computers

Two 3-in-1 copier/scanner/printers

Laptops and tablets available for check out

Mac dongle

iPhone and iPad chargers and cables

LCD projector

Die-cut machine

Laminator (charges apply)


Please contact libraryhelp@erikson.edu with any questions about library resources. Watch the video below to learn more about the Library Staff.







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Printing, Copying and Scanning


You can print from campus computers using the library and computer lab printers. Load money into your account at printpay.erikson.edu to use your Erikson ID card to pay for your documents. Printing and copying cost 5 cents per page and 10 cents for a double-sided page. Scanning is free. Detailed instructions can be found through the links below:


Student Printing Accounts: http://eohelp.erikson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Erikson_student_printing_account_detailed.pdf


Student Printing Instructions







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Wireless Connection


If you're on campus, you can connect to Erikson's wireless through your mobile device's Wi-Fi's settings and connecting to "EI-WIFI". This section describes how to connect to the SSID named “EI-Wifi”

1. From the Start screen, type Control Panel and then press the Enter key. This will search for and automatically open the Control Panel.

Note: In Control Panel, set View by: to Large Icons.

2. Click Network and Sharing Center.

3. Click Set up a new connection or network.

4. Select Manually connect to a wireless network, then click Next.

5. Enter the following settings, then click Next.

a. Network Name: EI-WiFi

b. Security Type: WPA2-Enterprise

c. Encryption Type: AES





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Contact Us!


Need help?


If you are having difficulty logging into the My.Erikson portal or have general technology issues, please contact IT staff by sending an e-mail message to TechHelp@erikson.edu.


If you are having problems logging into EriksonOnline or have general issues with your course site, please contact the EriksonOnline help desk by e-mailing EOhelp@erikson.edu .


If you need help accessing the library resources, please send an e-mail to libraryhelp@erikson.edu .





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Additional Information Technology, Telecommunications Networks and Information policies can be found on page 48 of the student handbook.